
The Heart Chakra

Anahata is one of the seven archetypical chakras, that is, one of our levels of consciousness.
(These original Indian chakras are symbolized by a stylized lotus flower with form symbolism and deities at the bottom. You can see it at the top of this page. We also here include symbolism belonging to the secondary chakras of the modern western chakra tradition.)

The Sanskrit name Anahata means "unstricken". 
Anahata is viewed as the fourth chakra (from the bottom). 

Several Indian chakra traditions ascribe a subchakra called Anandakanda or Kalpavriksha to Anahata. This chakra symbolizes our ability to attract what our soul is longing for.



Element (tattva)



western: green  indian: smoky grey

Number of petals







double triangle


Ishvara, Vayu


Shakti Kakini



Association to bodypart

heart, lungs, arms, hands





Points out

unconditional love, reconciliation

Associated sacrament

the Marriage   (acc. to C. Myss)

Here especially the gazelle symbolizes movement and openness. It reminds us to keep our hearts open and not to hold anything or anybody too tight.

With the fourth chakra we have left the physical man-aspect and reached the mental. This level is what is called the true realm of human beings, the place where the spiritual and material worlds meet.

Key terms
to understanding the archetypical aspect of Anahata:
Love unites, heals and liberates; to dare to have deep feelings, touch and be touched, about permission, forgiveness and reconciliation

We can think about our own experiences of and our attitude towards these aspects. We can also seek ways to work with them in an adequate manner.

Chakra visualization can be a wonderful tool in your development and it can help you to realize what you are and who you are. Just because of that it should be used with respect. Particularly if you'r using some breathing technique at the same time.
Being conscious of a chakra and it's aspects means that one activates it to a certain degree. Focused good thoughts and positive energy are also activating. Don't forget that it's your own consciousness that guides the visualization.

Chesed, Gebura and Tifaret

Also the Sefirot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life represent psychic powers or archetypes. The Tree is a picture of Creation.

Anahata corresponds to three different sefirot in the Tree. The fourth sefirah, called Chesed, the fifth, Geburah and the sixth, Tifaret.
Chesed, Splendor, represents love, compassion and grace.
Geburah, Severity, represents the world of morality, judgement and justice.
Tifaret, Beauty, represents mercy and harmony.

Number four   (Chesed)
Archangel Tzadkiel
Number five   (Geburah)
Archangel Kamael
Number six    (Tifaret)
Archangel Rafael

Aspects to meditate on in Chesed:
The mystery of Grace 

Aspects to meditate on in Geburah:
Power and Justice

Aspects to meditate on in Tifaret:
The Soul 

Here you can also meditate on the Holy Guardian Angel


Do you want to go on to other chakras? 

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