C o l o u r a s a L i v i n g P o w e r
Colours are in every aspect both alive and creative. They live by, and
are constantly changed by light. They create by acting on our emotions
like music from a piano or a violin. They make us feel cold, lighthearted,
down, warm, irritated, happy or spiritually inspired. Colours strike us,
lead us, control us and for most of the time we are totally unaware of how.
Often we are even unaware that it happens.
Still the associations of colours are alive in our thoughts as we can see
in everyday language:
to see red
to have a green thumb
the black market
Colour is a world in itself. It could also be said to be a kind of universal code system which we try to decipher.
Colours are frequences, vibrations, energy, subtle, potent power. They are
broken light with different wavelengths and they affect us both
physiologically and psychologically. Every living cell has an electric
dimension and that makes it possible for the electromagnetic radiance to
affect us and all living things.
Did you know for instance that colours can have an impact on our experience
of both weight, time and distance? Or that astronomers study the colour to
estimate the temperature of a star? We can use colours therapeutically to
increase vitality, health, harmony and inner balance. Our choices of colour
might also tell things about us that our words don't.
Interested in healing colour experiences? Click!
Warm colours are usually stimulating, cold colours are more relaxing.
There are actually also truly personal colour reactions which we have
to be aware of if we are serious in our work. Every human being is
The clearness and intensity of the colour as well as the light in the
room have, among many other things, also great influence on how we
percieve the colours and how they affect us.
In a colour circle you can see the complementary colours facing each
other When looking at a strong colour, the eye seems to get tired very
quickly striving for a kind of balance. All our being is, in ways like
this, striving for balance and wholeness.
When you use colours in visualisation or he aling it's advisable to use
this knowledge by ending with a short focus on the complementary colour.
Books suggested:
- "Color and human response", Faber Birren
- "Color Psychology and color Therapy", Faber Birren
- "Healing through color", Theo Gimbel